综合信兴仓运(上海)有限公司外高桥普通仓库 1000M2出租
Tel: (+86–21) 5868 2773
Fax: (+86–21) 5868 2779
Email: shine@ish.com.cn
1. 配备装卸平台,
2. 24 小时CCTV监控
3. 配备消防喷淋,
4. 整个仓库用WMS系统进行现代化管理,
综合信兴物流(ISH logistics)在1995年进入中国,经过十多年的稳健发展,现已成为领先的一站式服务专家,并建立起了庞大的区域性保税仓储网络。综合信兴物流拥有齐备的资质许可及完善的物流服务体系,业务涵盖第三方物流、仓储、运输、配送、定制化物流服务等。综合信兴拥有一支专业的物流团队,可为客户提供专业的物流解决方案,在每个流程环节均以响应速度、安全、高效为服务宗旨。
ISH Logistics started its China network since 1995. Through 18 years’ development, it has been recognized as the premier one-stop logistics service provider and owns one of the largest bonded warehouse networks in the region. ISH Logistics operates with a complete range of logistics services, including third party logistics, warehousing, transportation, distribution, customized logistics service, etc. ISH has a team of logistics professional to advise and implement clients’ logistics needs with priority given to speed, safety and efficiency at every step of the process.
Till now, ISH has had an accumulative investment of up to RMB1.3 billion in China, building up distribution centers and bonded logistics platforms in major cities across the country and constructing more than 500,000 square meters of warehousing premises and real estates. ISH has already completed a globally radiating distribution network, primarily covering the whole Asia Pacific from Malaysia to Philippines, Dubai and China.